in Change Log
This current Change Log, Version 427v2, introduces a number of improvements, designed to save time and improve ease of use.
♦ New Address Book
♦ Improvements to Lists (extracts from search results, previously known as Pockets)
♦ Multiple Search Tabs (multiple searches within the same screen)
♦ Chartering Invoices (recording Fixtures invoices)
♦ SnP Vessel Prices (more comprehensive records of actual and indicated vessel prices)
♦ Charts in Ship Module (visualisation of search results)
♦ Charts in Commercial History Module (visualisation of search results)
♦ General Messaging
♦ Chartering
♦ Sale and Purchase
New Features
♦ General Messaging
Module Toolbar – Customising the menu
Users can now customise the Toolbar by hiding or changing the position of icons.
Clicking on the Pencil icon activates the edit option. Once the Toolbar is in the edit mode, click on the module that needs to be hidden – it will then be grayed out. To move a module icon, drag and drop to re-arrange. On completion click on the Disk icon to save the new layout.
Locked Screen Layouts
Screens (Address Book, Ships, Fixtures, Purchase Enquiries, Commercial History, Deals, Positions, etc) have been locked in the following format:
New Address Book
In this version there is a new module “Address Book” that will replace the module “Accounts”.
The new Address book has a similar interface to other CompassAir screens, with the Search Screen on the left side, the grid showing the search results and miscellaneous tabs about the contact in the centre together with a detailed information section on the right hand side of the screen.
The available tabs are as follows:
♦ Messages: all messages related to the selected contact are shown (clicking on individual items displays the message, which can be opened in a separate tab, in order to reply or forward)
♦ Contacts/Depts: on this tab are displayed the contacts and departments for a company
♦ Fleet: where the company is a Ship Owner, the user can see a list of its vessels (see below).
♦ Ships sent: displays a list of vessels that we have sent to the selected company
♦ Ships received: displays a list of vessels that we have received from the selected company
♦ Purchase Enquiries: displays a list of PEs related to the selected company
The vessels shown under the Fleet tab can be exported to Excel, sent, a vessel description copied to the clipboard, added to a PE, details displayed, etc. as follows:
Address Book – Setting a Company as Direct and identifying the Responsible Broker
Users can edit a Company (via the Address Book), set their position to Direct and name a Resonsible Broker:
Having set these options, users are then able to run a vessel search for owners with whom they have a direct relationship.
Visibility on Message Tabs
At the bottom of each screen are displayed a series of tabs related to each row in the search results grid. Under the “Messages” tab the user has the option to include not only Normal (incoming and outgoing) messages but also those that are in, for example, Pending, Draft etc. This customisation is achieved through Settings/Messages/Browse and then selecting from the drop down menu made visible by right clicking “Message Tabs Visibility”.
New Buttons for screens displaying search results
The following buttons have been added next to the Highlight text field (see image below), replacing actions for the following:
♦ New “+”
♦ Edit – pencil icon
♦ Delete – bin icon
The following actions are also available (see image above):
♦ Send – send vessel details in chosen format
♦ Copy – copy selected row(s)
♦ Position – find location of selected ship(s) on map
Shortcuts for a new Query and a new Search tab
When focussed on the search window, i.e. with the cursor in one of the search parameter fields, clicking on Alt+Q will clear the query (i.e. clear all of the fields).
When focussed on the search results grid, i.e. with the cursor on one of the result rows, clicking on Alt+T will open a new search tab (i.e. in preparation for a new search).
Context Menu in Modules
The following actions have been added for the Module buttons (e.g. Ships, Address Book, Postions etc., right click to see the choices):
♦ New Window – Opens the module in a new window. The new window will be in the same format as the existing window along with the new email option, but will be blank and without the module menu, header etc.
♦ Open – (default) activates the module in the existing tab
Copy Rows Action – HTML instead of text
The action “Copy Rows” has been modified to copy the data in HTML format instead of text.
Improvements to Lists Function – previously known as “Pockets”
(A) Shortcuts
The following shortcuts (in addition to selecting actions from the drop down list after right clicking) have been added regarding List functionality:
♦ Add the active row (i.e. the highlighted row) to the List or those rows that have been selected (ticked) to the List: “Alt+ =” (Alt plus Equals key)
♦ Add all search results to the List: “Ctrl+Alt+ +” (Ctrl and Alt plus Plus key)
♦ Delete active (i.e. the highlighted row) or selected rows from the List: “Alt+ -” (Alt plus Minus key)
♦ Clear the List: “Ctrl+Alt+ -” (Ctrl and Alt plus Minus key)
♦ Toggle between search results and the List: “Alt+ L” (Alt plus “L” key)
♦ Select all grid records (search results or the List): “Ctrl+ A” (Ctrl plus “A” key)
♦ Copy selected rows: “Ctrl+ C” (Ctrl plus “C” key)
♦ Clear selections: “Esc” key
In earlier versions of the software, when a new search was run the existing List (previously called the Pocket) would empty. Because of this a warning used to be displayed saying the “Pocket Data would be cleared”. This warning is no longer necessary as the List does not now clear when a new search is run (it only clears when a user logs out of CompassAir). The user can run a new search on a second search tab (see “Multiple Search Results” below) and the List will remain, to be added to if appropriate. If the user wants to clear the List and start again, there is now an option to save the current List (see “(C) Saved Lists” below).
(B) “Empty List” function added in the query context menu
When the List has items in it, the “Empty” action is displayed in the query context menu.
(C) Saved Lists
There now exists the option to create and save multiple Lists in every module (Ships, Accounts, P/Es etc).
♦ These Lists will be displayed next to Saved searches (below the Search fields).
♦ The Lists will be private to each user.
♦ To save a List, the user needs first to run a search, add the records to a List and then click on the “Save” button.
On saving, the user names the List, in the case below “Tanker List 190924”.
This saved List will then appear under the Lists tab at the bottom of the search form:
Once a List is saved, users can add additional records to the same List or they can create a new List. To create a new List (users can create up to 20 saved Lists per module), users need first to unload the existing one by clicking on the “X” next to the List name:
Multiple Search Tabs
Users can now run multiple searches in modules without the need to have multiple browsers open. This is done by clicking on the “+” symbol next to the existing Search tabs to open a new tab:
♦ Chartering
New Module – Invoices
An Invoices tab has been added to the Fixtures module in order to allow users to search and account for Invoices related to each Fixture that is available in the database. Users can right click on the grid to create a new Invoice or edit an existing one.
In addition, Invoice records can be selected and exported to an Excel file:
Duplicating Fixtures
An action has been added to allow the user to Duplicate an existing Fixture in case of the same COA Voyage. First navigate to the Fixtures module, right click on a Fixture and select “Duplicate”.
♦ Sale and Purchase
Inserting the Price of a Vessel in the Ships Module
Previously there was an “Insert Price” button, now replaced – to save space – by the following “+” icon:
Max Lift Load – new field in Vessel Search
A new field has been added to the Vessel Search screen, “Max Lift Load”, to be used to search for Vessels that have a defined lifting capacity.
Vessel Prices
In the Prices tab (in the Ships module) is displayed the following:
1. The price indication where the ship is on the market (for sale). Such a record can be created in the Prices Tab using the “+” icon.
2. The sale, valuation or demolition price achieved which is derived from the vessel’s Commercial History. This record can be created using the Insert Sale functionality on the “History” tab under the vessel or from the Commercial History screen. It cannot be edited from the vessel’s Prices tab, only via the vessel’s History tab or the Commercial History screen.
When a price record is created from either of the above, the system updates the Last Price Data for the Vessel. In the grid we have the following fields that represent the latest available price based on the Price date or the Commercial History event date:
1. Price Date
2. Price
3. Upper Price
4. Price Indication
5. Price Currency
6. Enbloc Sale
7. Price Type
8. Price Source
9. Price Comment
10. Brokers Price Ideas
11. Owners Price Ideas
The grid displays price data if the latest price is from the last 365 days. The mapping is as below, in the case of a price record (either newly inserted or an existing price edited).
The mapping for a sale, valuation or demolition (which is not Enbloc) omits item 6 and, for a sale, fields 10 and 11 are also obsolete:
For an Enbloc sale, there is no Upper Price or Price Indication – we can have a single price value per ship. Also there is no comment per ship (field 9) only for the total Enbloc sale, see below:
Commercial History – New columns
The columns SS and DD (Special Survey and Drydock Dates) are now available in the Commercial History search results grid.
Default Fields when creating a new P/E from a Message
When creating a new PE from a related message the fields below are set as default.
♦ Responsible = current user
♦ Type = Market
♦ Status = New
Notes under P/E – New tab
A new tab for Notes has been added under PEs enabling information to be added. Users can right click on the Notes area, select “Insert” and type their notes in the free-text box. Upon completion, the user clicks on the on the “Save” button.
Right clicking on a Note, offers the option to Edit, Copy to clipboard or Delete the existing Note.
Notes under Ships
The interface has been modified to save space. Users can right click on the Notes area, select “Insert” and type their notes in the free-text box. Upon completion, the user clicks on the on the “Save” button.
Right clicking on a Note offers the option to Edit, Copy to clipboard or Delete the existing Note.
Setting an Advice to Automatic
When creating an SNP Advice from the Advice tab in the Ships module, a new check box is now available to set the Advice to Automatic for that vessel. In other words, CompassAir will automatically send a message with the Vessel description to a client with a matched P/E where this option has been activated. The Internal checkbox works independently of the Automatic Advice feature. When checked, the Advice will not be included in the Vessel Description.
Charts tab in Ships Module
In the Ships module there is a new tab named “Charts’ to reflect visually certain aspects of the results of a query:
Charts tab in Commercial History Module
Similarly, in the Commercial History module there is a new tab named “Charts’ to reflect visually certain aspects of the results of a query: