Compass Pulse: Artificial Intelligence for SnP



Gaining competitive advantage from the use of AI


Pulse is a suite of products specifically designed for Sale and Purchase (SnP) brokers that takes advantage of the extraordinary value Artificial Intelligence (AI) can create for an organisation.


Competitive advantage not only comes from having accurate, real-time information, but also by having immediately to hand solutions that allow a quick response to commercial opportunities as they arise.


In addition to the impact on the bottom line by being able to move faster than your competitors, significant time and cost savings can also be made by automating what are currently manual processes. Furthermore, limited human resources can be re-allocated to more profitable activities.

Pulse works “out of the box”, covering any number of mailboxes (both shared and personal), with what is the de facto standard of the SnP market, CompassAir messaging software. It also works with any other email client (e.g. Outlook). In other words, you don’t have to use our messaging software to take full advantage of Pulse.

What are the benefits?

• Respond immediately to opportunities – stay ahead of the competition
• Reduce repetitive tasks – focus on deals, reallocate resources, reduce overheads
• Speed up workflows – always on 24/7, immediate action – updating databases, suggesting solutions

We are so confident of the added value that Pulse will create, we offer a two week trial completely free of charge and without any obligation. We want you to be 100% satisfied with Pulse and so we also offer a 90-day, unconditional money-back guarantee if for any reason you feel Pulse fails to deliver the added value that you expected.

What does the Pulse suite of products comprise?

Pulse consists of the modules shown below that automate the extraction of information from emails, immediately updating your vessel database, then sending notifications and making recommendations to brokers. This information includes, for example, changes in the sale status of vessels, inspectable positions, dry docking and special survey dates through to updates on a vessel’s BWTS status. Which particular modules are selected and installed will depend on individual preferences and workflows.


As soon as an email arrives in your inbox it is processed and, if the email refers to one or more ships for sale, your vessel database will instantly display that message against the relevant ships. Rest assured in the knowledge that the next time you refer to a ship in CompassAir, each and every message in which that ship is mentioned will be listed and available to view with a single click.

Enquiry Recorder

The instant an email arrives in your inbox it is analysed and if it is recognised as a Purchase Enquiry (P/E) the details, such as ship type, size and age, are recorded in your Compass database for later action or instant matching by the Ship Proposer and ForSale Tagger (see below) where all vessels for sale that match the P/E are immediately proposed.

Advice Recorder

If an incoming email is recognised as a Commercial Advice then Advice Recorder will immediately extract details, such as inspectable position, itineraries, delivery dates, etc. and will create an internal advice. The broker will be informed immediately of this newly arrived advice and, if CompassAir is being used, the advice details will be recorded for future reference or instant matching with working P/Es by means of the Enquiry Proposer (see below).

ForSale Tagger

If an incoming email is recognised as a Commercial Advice the vessel database is updated to show that the particular ship is now for sale (NOTE: ShipLink is required for the ForSale Tagger to function). When used alongside Ship Proposer (see below) ships that are for sale will be automatically matched to incoming Purchase Enquiries.

Ship Proposer

When used alongside ShipLink and Enquiry Recorder, vessels that have been tagged as for sale in your vessel database will be instantly recommended if they match the requirements of all incoming Purchase Enquiries.

Enquiry Proposer

Purchase Enquiries are matched to incoming Commercial Advices. In other words, for each email that contains a Commercial Advice, instantaneously all existing Purchase Enquiries are scanned and proposed if they match the details of the ship that is now for sale. ShipLink and Enquiry Recorder are required for Enquiry Proposer to function.

Market Report Extractor

Extracting information from the many market reports received each week is time consuming. The Pulse Market Report Extractor automates the collection of available information from pdf attachments including a sold vessel’s IMO number, the price and buyer as well as distinguishing between a sale and demolition.

But what about …?

How do I know Pulse will do what you say it will? Pulse is already helping some of the leading SnP brokers around the world become even faster and more responsive. We offer a free, no obligation trial period and a 90-day money-back guarantee – we have total confidence in Pulse!

Is the free trial really free? The two week trial is completely free of charge and without any obligation. We want you to be 100% satisfied with Pulse and that is why we also offer a 90-day, unconditional money-back guarantee if for any reason you feel Pulse fails to deliver the added value that you expected.

Can I cancel my contract at any time? Pulse is paid for quarterly in advance. If during the first quarter you decide it’s not for you, you can cancel at any time with a full money-back guarantee. Thereafter you can cancel at the end of any prepaid quarter.

Will using Pulse mean I lose my insight into the market? Exactly the opposite! Pulse is designed to speed up activities and reduce administrative tasks. By using Pulse, emails are instantly converted into market intelligence which is delivered to the brokers who will actually have more time available to understand what is happening in the market.

Does Pulse take long to install? Due to the current demand for Pulse, it may take a few weeks for us to schedule an installation, which takes place remotely without any fuss for our clients. The actual installation takes no longer than one hour. Book your free trial without delay!

Will it change my vessel database? All information updated automatically by Pulse, such as P/E, Advices and Ships for Sale is specially earmarked and is kept separate from the information brokers enter in the database manually.

Does Pulse automatically send out emails? No. Pulse has been carefully designed to speed up your internal workflows, not to send out emails to clients.

Is Pulse 100% accurate? As with all AI products, 100% accuracy cannot be guaranteed. Currently, accuracy metrics are extremely high and we keep fine tuning our services to achieve even higher scores. Book a free trial and expect to be impressed!

Will it undermine the way we operate? Your workflows will remain the same other than administrative tasks will drastically speed up, such as the manual update of Advices, P/Es etc. With Pulse working 24/7, the speed at which you can spot and respond to opportunities will be unparalleled.

Do I need CompassAir for Pulse to work? You don’t have to use CompassAir to take advantage of the benefits of Pulse, it will work with any other email client, such as Outlook.

Pulse was built specifically for SnP shipbrokers and is based on many years of practical experience working with some of the leading companies in this sector. The result is a suite of AI tools that is revolutionising the global SnP market. Pulse is now available for Chartering brokers.

Ready for a free trial? For more information on how Pulse can add value to your business and for a short demonstration, please contact us via our website Contact Us.

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