


This current Change Log, Version 422v2, introduces a number of improvements, designed to save time and improve ease of use.





♦  Message Editor – Most recently used email addresses

♦  Shortcut for Search Button

♦  Vessels – New Fields: Equasis, Q88 and Marine Traffic

♦  Insert Sale – New Field “Sold As”

♦  Fixtures – “Invoices” tab added

♦  Message Relations – Options to “Show Details” or “Filter Messages”




♦  General Messaging

♦  Chartering

♦  Sale and Purchase



New Features



♦  General Messaging



Message Editor – Most recently used email addresses


A feature has been added that remembers the most recently used email addresses in the To, Cc and Bcc fields.


In a new message hold the cursor over the To, Cc or Bcc field and after pressing the down arrow a list of the most recently used email addresses will appear.



Message Editor – Re-design for inserting Circulars


Users can now select the desired visibility of the recipients while inserting a Circular to the Message Editor. This is done by clicking on the “Circulars” field in the Message Editor and then selecting the name of the circular by clicking on it with the mouse. Note that the toolbar on the bottom left-hand corner of the Circulars window is activated. From there, the user can then set the visibility of the circular’s recipients. Thereafter, if required, users can drag-drop individual addresses to change their visibility in the circular.


Clicking on the last option “Circulars” will by default insert all the recipients into Bcc without an option to change the visibility of individual email addresses.


These options work with circulars with up to 200 recipients. Those circulars with 201 or more recipients are assigned with the “Circulars” option by default (i.e with reduced flexibility).



Message Editor – Modification on editing a Circular’s recipients


Users can search and edit a Circular’s recipients by contact name or email address without opening the advanced search button. Editing of a Circular can be done having selected the “Circulars” option as shown above.


Clicking on “Edit email recipients” opens a new window where the user can search for recipients and then edit the Circular accordingly.



Updated Module Icons


The menu items shown below now use only initials to avoid confusion with similar icons. These same changes apply also to the Message Details panel.


P/E, DL (Deal), C/O (Cargo Order), FX (Fixtures), H (Commercial History).



Message Relations – Search


The below outlines the fields that are used when searching and displaying a related Deal, Fixture and Purchase Enquiry (P/E) from within a message.

Deals (DL) – see also below “Message Relations – Improvements when searching Deals”


The user can search using the fields Title, Ship, Buyer and Seller. The related entity in the Message details will display the Buyer, the Start date and the Ship.


In the case where the Deal is linked to an enbloc Sale, the search fields are the Title, the Buyer’s name and the Seller. The related entity in the Message details will display the Buyer, the Start date and the enbloc Ships.


Fixtures (FX)


The user can search using the fields Ship, Charterer or Contractual owner. The related entity in the Message details will display the Ship or Contractual owner, Voyage code, CP Date, Charterer and the Ship.


Purchase Enquiry (P/E)


The user can search using the fields Title and Buyer. The related entity in the Message details will display the Buyer or Title, Ship Type, DWT, YOB.



Message Relations – Options to “Show Details” or “Filter Messages”


The user now has the option from a message to see the details of an entity (e.g. the related Ship, P/E, Fixture etc.) or to filter the messages related to that entity.


Right clicking on, in the example above, the related Ship, the user has the option to either open the vessel details in a new tab or to “Filter Messages” relating to that Ship. This second option opens the following pop-up window:

The same “Show Details/Filter Messages” option is available when the user right clicks on the sender’s or recipient’s email address.


Message Relations – Improvements when searching Deals


As seen above, users can search from within a message in order to relate a specific Deal with a specific message. Whenever a word starts to be typed in the search box CompassAir searches for matching Sellers, Buyers, Ships or Titles and displays a picklist below the search box:

The picklist that results shows respectively the name of the Deal, the Buyer and the Start Date. The list is sorted by Start Date, the most recent first. Upon completion of the relation, in the message details panel is displayed the name of the Buyer and the Start Date along with the vessel(s) related to the Deal:


Searching and Relating a Vessel to a Message using Name, YOB or DWT


To relate a vessel to a message, users can search using the vessel name, its DWT or its YOB. Next to the Ship icon, the first part of the field searches the vessel name, the second the YOB and the third DWT.


As can be seen below, this works by typing in the vessel name, by adding a comma then the YOB, or two commas and the DWT. Note that these fields do not accommodate a range of dates or DWTs. In order to minimise the list of results, the user can combine these variables as shown in the last image below.

Shortcut for Search Button


After search parameters have been entered, the Search button shortcut has been changed from [Ctrl-Enter] to [Enter].





♦  Chartering



Chartering Positions – Message Preview button added to “Received from” tab


A “Message Preview” button has been added to the “Received from” tab under Chartering Positions in order that users can check the message body while scrolling the list.



Fixtures – “Invoices” tab added


An “Invoices” tab has been added in the Fixtures module in order that users can create Invoice records with a due date. Once an invoice record has been created the system creates a reminder event for the due date in the calendar.



In the Calendar, the user will see the Reminder event related to the Invoice (on the due date) – see below. In the pop-up window that appears after clicking on the calendar event, clicking on “Open Details” opens the Fixture in a new tab (to do so however requires the user to have enabled the “Keep me logged in” feature at the log in screen).




Fixtures – New Search Criteria – Loading/Discharge Ports


When searching for Fixtures, the parameters Loading/Delivery and Discharge/Redelivery ports have been added.




Positions – Open Positions information


The Positions screen has been updated to create records for vessel Inspectable Positions (for SnP users) and Open Positions (for Chartering users). To create, edit or delete positions the user should right click the Positions grid.



Fixtures – New Field “Timebar”


A new numeric field “Timebar”, expressing a number of days, has been added in the Fixtures detail. This is a time interval where legal action needs to be initiated. As soon as the “End/Redel date” and “Timebar” fields are completed an event is created in the Calender as a reminder for the Operator.



♦  Sale and Purchase



Vessels – New tab “Special Features”


A new tab “Special Features” has been added under the vessel details. Vessel features can be added or edited by right clicking and making a selection from the pop-up window.


Vessels – New field “Light Displacement Tonnage” (LDT)


The field LDT (Light Displacement Tonnage) has been added under vessel details as well as added as a search parameter under vessels.




Commercial History – Edit function added


New functionality has been added allowing the user to edit a sales record from the Commercial History screen.




Commercial History – New tabs


The following tabs have been added to Commercial History screen in order to provide the user with more information about the vessel.


Messages / Advices / History / Prices / Comments / Notes / Market




Vessels/Purchase Enquiry – Adding a vessel to a P/E


There is now an option to add a vessel to a P/E after it has been opened in a new window. First select the vessel from the Ships search results screen, right clicking on it and selecting “Open Detached”.


Having opened the vessel in a new window, select “Add to P/E”.


Vessels – Adding to the List (formerly “Pocket”) from the Owner Fleet tab


Users can now add to the List from the Owner Fleet tab under Vessels.



Vessels – Grabs has been added to the Vessel Edit form


The field “Grabs” has been added to the Vessel Edit form.




Vessels – Editing Categories and Comments for Files


There is now an option to edit both Categories and Comments for documents listed under “Files” for a vessel. For comments, the user selects a document, right clicks and then selects “Edit”. To assign a category, the user selects one or more documents, right clicks and then selects “Assign Category”.




Vessels – Addition of “Source” field for Ship Price


The field “Source” has been added to the Prices tab for each vessel in order that users can record the source of the pricing information, usually the name of the company/client. To insert the source either add this having clicked on “Insert Price” or edit an existing price by selecting the item, right clicking then selecting “Edit” as below.




Vessels – Ship Owner, Manager, Technical Manager and Registered Owner Contact Details


Clicking on the blue hyperlink for any of the above for a specific vessel opens, in a separate window, the contact details of the Owner or Manager (see below).

For the selected contact there can be seen related messages, fleet details etc., as shown on the tabs below. In this example, all vessels in the owner’s fleet are shown and from this window the user can then inspect the details for any other vessel in the same fleet.



Vessels – New field “Lane Meters”


For Ro-Ro cargo vessels the new field “Lane Meters” has been added. This field is available under the search criteria, in the vessel details and can be shown as a column in the search results.



Vessels – New tab “Positions”


A new tab “Positions” has been added under the vessel details (in the Ships screen). To view the Position details, right click on the record and select “Display Details” from the menu.



Positions – Inspectable Positions information


The Positions screen has been updated to create records for vessel Inspectable Positions (for SnP users) and Open Positions (for Chartering users). To create, edit or delete positions the user should right click the Positions grid.




Vessels – New Fields: Equasis, Q88 and Marine Traffic


The fields Equasis, Q88 and Marine Traffic have been added in the Ships screen. Each field loads an external website with information related to the vessel. For Equasis and Q88, users need to have an active account in order to have access to the data.


Using the gear icon in the Ships search results window, any or all of Equasis, Q88 and Marine Traffic colums can be added. In order to open the link of each field, users need to press the Ctrl button of the keyboard and the left button of their mouse.




Insert Sale – New Field “Sold As”


When inserting a sale, there is a new field “Sold As” under Vessel History. The field initially defaults to the vessel’s existing name during the current sale.


The same field is available for en bloc sales.




P/E Screen – New Column “Created by”


A new column “Created by” has been added to the P/E search results grid in order that users can identify the creator of the P/E. Where the P/E is created by the Pulse AI functionality, the name of the user will be “Compass”.



Vessels – New Search Parameter/Field “Committed”


A new search parameter “Committed” has been added to the Ships screen, which is also available as a column in the search results grid. Users can search for ships committed within user defined time frames.




Vessels – New Search Results Field “Passengers”


For passenger vessels, a new search results field “Passengers” has been added to the Vessel results grid.