CompassAir Web Basic User Guide



Volume 8 – SnP Ships Screen

This guide is intended to serve as an introduction to CompassAir (web version). It is one of a series that show the many useful features of CompassAir (web version).

Where it is felt that additional training would be beneficial, bespoke packages can be provided for both individual users as well as groups. Please contact for more information.


CompassAir Home Screen


1. Having selected “Ships” from the toolbar, the Ships interface is divided into three parts. On the left is the search screen. For search functionality see our website.
2. At the top of the screen is the list of ships from the search.
3. At the bottom there are displayed the technical and

commercial details of the chosen ship (highlighted in the list of vessels above), along with the related messages, files and Advices etc.
4. A ship’s details can be opened in a new tab by clicking on the row of the particular ship in the list.

An alternative view is to split the screen vertically – where the vessels are displayed from the top to the bottom of the screen and vessel details on the right hand side (see image below). To move between the alternate layouts, click on the elipsis above the vessel list in either view, then click on “Change View”. The sizes of each individual window can be changed by dragging its borders.

5. From the same ellipsis menu, Auto Resize changes the column width back to default. Selected ships can be downloaded into a spreadsheet.
6. Once one or more ships are selected, their details can be sent by email by clicking on the red Send button – the message editor opens automatically and contains either a full description or basic description of the ship, depending on the user’s preference. The ship’s details can also be copied to the clipboard (either one single or multiple ships) ready to be copied to another document.
7. It is also possible to track a ship location using the location icon to the left of the copy icon. Clicking on this displays the ship’s real time location on the map in a new window.

*Legal note: The ship location above can be seen via the MarineTraffic free service. MarineTraffic is a trademark owned by MarineTraffic. This is a free MarineTraffic Web service and its use is subject to acceptance of MarineTraffic Terms. Please do not use if you do not agree with the Terms. The current CompassAir Web feature does not imply any endorsement from MarineTraffic.


Within the Ships module there is a feature called the “List”. This is a way to keep a temporary short list of ships as selected from the full list of ships. It is totally independent from the List found in the P/E screen. Being only temporary, it is automatically deleted when the CompassAir screen is either refreshed or re-loaded.

1. From the full list, those vessels of particular interest are first selected using the tick box next to the vessel name. When one or more vessels are selected they can then be added to the “List”. This is achieved by right clicking on one of the selected vessels then from the drop down menu selecting “Add to List”. If the pocket is empty the “Folder” icon will be greyed out.

2. The Ships screen effectively now has two modes: the full vessel list and the “List”. Toggling between the two is achieved by clicking on the “Folder” icon or using the blue search button again. The pocket is not deleted by doing so. When viewing the “List” the “Folder” icon is shown as open, when viewing the full list of vessels it is shown closed.

3. The “List” can be edited or cleared by selecting vessels and then clicking either on “Empty List” from the drop down list to clear all, or “Remove from List” for only the selected vessels.

4. The “Highlight” field can be used to draw attention to particular words or numbers in the list of vessels either in the full list of vessels or those in the pocket – in this case the word “Princess”.


1. When a vessel is selected from the list within the Ships screen, its details are shown on the right hand side of the screen as above or alternatively at the bottom – see 2 above. These details can be opened in a new window by clicking on the relevant row. In addition to Details, Messages and Files, all of which provide easy access to information related to that ship, there is an “Advices” tab.
2. Where an Advice is available to view, it can be edited or removed by clicking on the ellipsis next to the Advice.


1. Commercial Advices can be created in one of three ways. The most efficient is by making use of CompassPulse – the Advice is added automatically upon receipt. The second is via the “Add” button on the “Advices” tab of the ship. A pop up window then appears into which details can be inserted (or edited). In passing, the “⊕” icon next to the user-name allows ships to be quickly added.
2. The third is using the grey “Advice” bar on the far right of the messages screen (see Section 1 above).

To create an Advice a ship (or ships) must first be added, with names being autosuggested via a dropdown menu linked to the vessels database.
3. Having highlighted the additional ship, the Advice can be created. Once the Advice has been created, the source can also be added, the option types being one of Email, Fax, Mobile, Phone, Skype or Web. When typing in the Source field it is autocompleted by accessing the companies and contacts contained within the client’s address book.


1. An existing Advice can be updated, or edited, from an email. Click on the grey Advice bar and type in the name of the ship, in this case Korabi.

2. Next, click on the Advice to be updated whichs open the text box.

3. Update the Advice in the text box and then save.


1. Often with circular emails, the same Advice content will be available from different sources. The Advice can be updated to record an additional source. For example, if this information is seen in a second email, open as before the Advice for the particular ship by entering its name (see 5.2 above). After that, click on the relevant Advice.
2. Doing so will reveal the existing sources for that Advice in the lower section of the screen.
3. To record the additional source, click the plus icon, entering the appropriate information.


1. Having selected a ship from the Ships screen, comments (up to 1,000 characters) can be added and then attached to that ship.


1. Using the “Gear” icon, the search fields can be customised, adding or removing fields and/or changing their order.

2. Each field has the flexibility to accommodate various parameters. For a guide to defining those parameters for each field please visit our website, CompassAir Ships – Search Functionality.


1. Where the same search is used many times it can be set as the default. In other words, the fields can be populated by the same data, achieved using the “Star” icon, which saves the current parameters (searches can also be saved, see 4 and 5 below). Note that default searches must include at least one populated field.

2. To load the default search parameters, use the “Refresh” icon.

3. In order to quickly clear all fields, ready for a new search, use the “Eraser” icon.

4. Searches are automatically saved in the window below the search box. The ellipsis allows a search to be saved (see 5 below) or for one or more historic searches to be removed from the list.

5. Where a search is saved, it is accessible on the second tab, having been given a name. Initially only the search name is displayed, the drop down reveals the detail. Again, the ellipsis allows for the search to be removed or edited.



Having searched for a particular type of vessel the results are displayed in a grid, the columns appearing originally being defined by the “default template” (see 1 below).

The columns can then be customized using the gear icon (see 2 above). Once the user has selected and applied the new format the template can be saved using the drop down menu at 1 above, selecting “Add Template”, a pop-up window appearing into which can be saved the new template name.

Similarly, templates can be changed from the selection in the same drop-down menu. The reason for doing this is that many columns only apply to particular types of vessel, for example, the column “Cabins” is irrelevant when searching for tankers. As well as producing a smaller, more manageable grid, restricting the number of columns, i.e. deleting those that are not appropriate, also speeds up the search.

It should be noted that this “templates function” is available on all screens, including for example “Purchase Enquiries”. Also, that when CompassAir is closed the last template in use will be the one that is loaded initially after next logging in, and which can be changed as above.