A Port/Terminal is the place where cargo loading and discharging take place. Ports are usually located close to significant hinterland infrastructures so as to facilitate the journey of the goods. Ports vary widely in terms of dimensions, maximum number and size of ships they can accommodate, hinterland transportation capabilities, loading/discharging equipment (e.g., cranes, container lifts), planning and optimization technology, customs efficiency and red tape procedures. Major ports of the world are Rotterdam, Antwerp, Amsterdam, Hamburg, Singapore, Shanghai, Tianjin, Guangzhou, Ningbo, Suzhou, Qingdao, Dalian, Busan, Hong Kong, Klang, Kandla, Jawaharlal Nehru, Hedland, Houston, South Louisiana, Dubai and more. There are also oil terminals which are offshore facilities that provide loading/discharging capabilities which are located away from the shore to allow very big ships to be serviced (example LOOPS terminal in Louisiana, USA).