Its good to know our software makes a real contribution to your business. Can you give us some idea specifically how it helps you achieve your objectives, and what makes it valuable for you.
At Segaline we believe our effectiveness comes from teamwork. Together we have a wide variety of skills and experience that essentially come together to make the sum of the parts greater than the whole.
To be at its most productive a team needs to use tools that enable information to be shared, that enhance collaboration between every member of the team, and they must have a level of transparency such that each one of us can see and understand what is happening around us.
One of the great things about Compass Software is the speed at which you have access to information. Not only does everything have a place – documents, emails, vessel data and histories – but when you need to find something the search speed and associated filters mean no time is wasted.
Our team is structured in such a way that each member uses this one unique source of data: Compass. It contains everything crucial for brokers to operate effectively, successfully. Everyone knows how to use Compass which means we save time and boost productivity. The ships database is built-in so all the specs of any vessel are instantly to hand. Again, no time lost hunting around for information, which of course includes all the emails we have ever sent and received, right from the time we started trading.
It would not be an exaggeration to say that, among all the other tools in the market, Compass is the only solution that combines and makes immediately accessible all the critical information we need to function successfully. We feel confident with Compass, it’s a tool that is fundamental to our core activity, for our team, and for our business to prosper. The way it combines messages, ships and our company contacts list and circulation lists, integrating them and connecting them all together, that is probably why it is so valuable to us.