CompassAir Ships: Search Functionality



Vessels with selected characteristics can be retrieved and displayed using the search form. In addition to drop down menus (such as in 8 below, Country of Build) the main field types are Text (such as in 4 below, Vessel Name), Numeric (such as in 5 below, DWT) and Date (such as in 6 below, Date of Last Advice). Search history is displayed at the bottom of the search form, along with saved searches, i.e. those frequently used. Default search criteria can also be saved, using the icons shown in 1 below.

1 Icons

The icons above the search criteria screen have the following functions:
1. Criteria choice (see 2 below)
2. Help – this will connect to online help pages such as this
3. Search
4. Load default criteria, i.e. fields included when “Search” clicked (default cannot be all fields blank)
5. Save default criteria
6. Erase currently displayed search criteria

2 Criteria Choice

Clicking on the gear icon displays the available criteria on which a search can be based. They can be added to or deleted from the search form using the double arrows. The order of the chosen criteria can also be changed.

3 IMO Number

The number inserted will cause the search to identify all IMO numbers beginning with the chosen digits. In this example all vessels with a seven digit IMO number beginning with 74 will be displayed.

4 Vessel Name

As with all text fields, the following functionality applies:


ocean    (delivers vessels with a name that starts with “ocean”)


ocean%mar    (delivers vessels with a name that starts with “ocean” and contains “mar”)


%ocean    (delivers vessels with a name that ends with “ocean”)


%ocean%    (delivers vessels with a name that contains “ocean”)


ocean, maria    (delivers vessels with a name that starts with either “ocean” or “maria”. Note that a comma acts like OR. We can have any combination of the first four above with commas)


%ocean%, %maria%    (delivers vessels with a name that contains either “ocean” or “maria”)


As with all numeric fields, the following functionality applies:


12000    (delivers vessels of exactly MT12,000)


12000-14000    (delivers vessels that are between MT12,000 and MT14,000)


>12000    (delivers vessels that are greater than MT12,000)


>=12000    (delivers vessels that are greater than or equal to MT12,000)


<12000    (delivers vessels that are less than MT12,000)


<=12000    (delivers vessels that are less than or equal to MT12,000)


20000, 40000    (delivers vessels that are exactly MT20,000 or MT40,000. As before, a comma acts like OR)

6 Date of Last Advice

As with all date fields, the following functionality applies:


22/3/2020    (delivers vessels with advices dated 22 March 2020)


>22/3/2020     (delivers vessels with advices dated post 22 March 2020)


>=22/3/2020    (delivers vessels with advices dated 22 March 2020 or after)


<22/3/2020    (delivers vessels with advices dated before 22 March 2020)


<=22/3/2020   (delivers vessels with advices dated 22 March 2020 or before)


22/3/2020, 23/3/2020   (delivers vessels with advices dated 22 March 2020 or 23 March 2020. As before, a comma acts like OR)


last 3  (days/weeks/months/years/hours)


next 3 (days/weeks/months/years/hours)


today    (delivers vessels with advices with today’s date)


22/3/2020-23/3/2020     (delivers vessels with advices dated from 22 March 2020 to 23 March 2020)


22-23/3/2020     (delivers vessels with advices dated from 22 March 2020 to 23 March 2020, i.e. same as above)



It should also be noted that if you omit the year (for example 22/3) or the month (for example 22) then the system uses the current year and month. In other words


<22/3 is the same as <22/3/2021, i.e. delivers vessels with advices dated before 22 March 2021


<22 is the same as <22/11/2021, i.e. delivers vessels with advices dated before 22 November 2021 (being the month of writing this guide)

7 Sale Status

A dropdown menu appears that contains the following criteria, one or more of which can be selected using the tick box


• Demolition
• For Sale
• Not for Sale
• Sold

8 Country of Build

Again, a dropdown menu appears this time displaying a list of countries, one or more of which can be selected using the tick box

9 Year Built

Being a date field, the same functionality applies as in 6 above, this time in years

10 Vessel Type

Again, a dropdown menu appears this time displaying a list of vessel types, one or more of which can be selected using the tick box

11 Search History

At the bottom of the search screen there are two tabs. The first, Search History, shows recent searches that can then be either saved (see 12 below), or removed from the list by clicking on the vertical ellipsis next to each.

12 Saved Searches

The second tab shows those searches saved from the first tab. Initially shown as a list by name, the criteria of each search is displayed by clicking on the down arrow. Each saved search can be either edited or removed, the options available by clicking on the vertical ellipsis.