


This current Change Log, Version 389v2, introduces a number of improvements, designed to save time and improve ease of use.



New Features


Messages – Marking Messages as Read inside a Thread


When reading a message inside a thread, by pressing the spacebar the selected record is marked as read and the cursor moves to the next message inside the thread.



Messages – Auto bcc


Public email addresses (i.e. non-personal) can be added automatically as bcc when sending messages from a personal email address. To do this, add the email addresses via Settings/Messages/Compose. As an example, John Smith sends emails from his personal address but is required to copy in all of his colleagues by way of bcc. To do this he follows the above proceedure and enters “” to ensure his colleagues are copied with each of his emails.



Messages – Displaying “Parent” Name for emails sent from “Personal” addresses


Messages received from “Personal” email addresses will be displayed in the message list along with the name of the “Parent” organisation that is recorded in the Address Book. As an example, an email is sent from John Smith who works for Lyndale Brokers, i.e. In the list of messages this will be displayed as “John Smith * Lyndale Brokers“, providing the Address Book has been set up with this heirarchy.


Similarly, when creating an Advice, if the source was an email from “John Smith”, under the Advice the source would be recorded in the same format as above, i.e. “John Smith * Lyndale Brokers“.



Messages – Dragging and Dropping Files to a Vessel


Message attachments can be dragged and dropped to a related Ship within the details panel. The attachment will then available under the Ships “Filing” tab.




Address Book – New Tabs


Under a contact in the address book, there have been added tabs that show historic Messages, Contacts and Fleet (the list of vessels is displayed for an Owner and is populated from IHS data).



Messages – Quick Filter Messages for Ships and Fixtures


Messages can be quickly filtered to show only those that are related to particular Ships or Fixtures. Below the “Views” pane select “Quick Filters”. Under the Ships section, by inserting the name of the Ship and from the list of suggestions selecting the relevant Ship, the resultant list of messages are only those that are related to that particular Ship.


Similarly, if “Fixtures” is selected, and again a Ship name is inserted, only those messages that are related to Fixtures for that Ship are displayed.




Selecting Multiple Records


Users can select multiple records easily by clicking on the first record and then using the up or down arrow on the keyboard (for example in a list of emails, Ships, Purchase Enquiries etc.). Records that are not required in the sequence can be quickly, individually de-selected.



Adding All Records to the List (previously Pocket)


As well as adding individual records to the “List”, a user can now add all records displayed to the “List”. This is available for Ships, Fixtures, Address Book, Purchase Enquiries and Deals. This is achieved by right clicking on one of the records and selecting “Add All to List”.



Adding Keywords to a Message (from Ships, Fixtures etc.)


It is now possible to add Keywords to messages from the Messages tab in either Ships, Fixtures etc.. For example, having selected a Ship, go to the Messages tab, click on the relevant message, then in the details panel add the required Keyword.



Window Title changes according to Search Query


The name of the window tab changes according to the search conducted. For example the following title appears having searched on BC/DWT20k-30k/YoB2012-2015:




SnP Module: Printing a Valuation Certificate


A user can now print a valuation certificate for a Ship. To do so, first right click a “Valuation” event under the History tab of the Ship (click here for further information on recording valuations). The user then has the option to print a certificate (prior to this, a valuation template needs to be imported – please refer to ThinkCompass Support on how this is done).



SnP Module: Calendar Entry on Pre-Advice Ships


When a user updates the “Pre-Advice Due” date and the “Assigned To” field (accessed through Ships/Edit), and providing the “pre advice due” date is in the future, then the system creates a calendar event to remind the user to contact the owner.




SnP Module: More Options when Relating a Message to a Ship


To ensure the correct Ship is related to a Message there are now more options for selecting the ship. Having clicked on the Ship icon, the user can now insert either the name, year of build or DWT and a drop down list will appear with suggestions, one of which can then be selected/related.




SnP Module: Amendments to Ship Fields


Under the Ship information, the fields “Ship Owner” and “Ship Operator” have been removed in this version. When a Ship is selected the field “Contractual Owner” is set to display the name of the beneficial owner of the Ship.



Fixtures: New Screen


A new Fixtures screen has been added which includes a grid to display information related to the selected Fixture.



By right clicking on a Fixture, the following options are available:


Select all: selects all the records on the page e.g 300 of 1500

Copy row, cell, selected, all: copies the selected data and then, for example, paste to Excel

Clear selection: clears the selected records

Add to List: adds the selected records to the List for further processing

Add all: adds all the records to the List

Add fixture: creates a new fixture

Edit Fixture: amends an existing fixture

Delete: deletes the fixture from the database

Open detached: opens in a new window a selected fixture

Open in list: the selected fixtures open in a new tab.



Fixtures: Comments under separate Tab


The Comments field has now been moved to a separate tab under Fixtures.



Fixtures: Relating Fixtures to Messages


Fixtures can be related to Messages by first selecting the Message, then clicking on the Fixtures icon in the message detail pane. Searching for the Fixture can then be by any of either Ship name, name of Charterer or the Contractual Owner of the ship.




Fixtures: Adding Files under Fixtures


There is now an option to add files under a Fixture (drag and drop or insert file) and by right clicking the file to preview, download or attach the file to a new message.




Fixtures: Adding Notes Fixtures


As can be seen above, there is also a “Notes” tab to which narrative can be added that relates to the selected Fixture.



Fixtures: Adding Voyage Information to Fixtures


As can be seen above, there is also a “Voyages” tab that can be used to record information relating to COA Fixtures. It can also be used by brokers to add additional voyages under an existing SPOT contract.


First select a Fixture, navigate to the “Voyages” tab and then right click, selecting “Insert” (this only applies to COA and SPOT fixtures). Information can then be added to the window that pops up. The window will already contain information in some fields since the Voyage is related to the parent Fixture record.